Dissolving Past Birth Karma for Good Health and Stress Relief
The Three Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with Agnidev, the God of Fire, and is governed by the planet Sun. This powerful Rudraksha helps the wearer dissolve the bondages of past birth karma, allowing for liberation from the burdens of previous lives. It provides protection from diseases, obstacles, and failures. By removing the effects of past karma, the wearer can achieve success through their actions in this lifetime. It is believed that those who wear the Three Mukhi Rudraksha attain Moksha (liberation) and are freed from the cycle of rebirth.
Therapeutic Benefits:
- Relieves stress and promotes calmness.
- Provides relief from acidity, liver ailments, and digestive disorders.
This is a rare mala made from uniform Three Mukhi Rudraksha beads from Java, each approximately 7mm in size.
Ruling Deity: Agni
Ruling Planet: Sun
- Beej Mantra: Om Kleem Namah
- Planet Mantra: Om Hreem Suryaya Namah
- Deity Mantra: Om Agni Devaya Namaha
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