This rare Rudraksha is ruled by Lord Brahma, the Creator of the Universe. It bestows blessings for the attainment of divine knowledge in creation, sciences, arts, and music. The wearer gains immense knowledge and intellect, embodying the qualities of a creator. Additionally, they are blessed with great power, wealth, and the fulfillment of desires. This Rudraksha is especially sought after by those looking to manifest projects that benefit humanity.
Benefits: Power of manifestation and creation of projects for benefit of humanity.
Beeja mantra: “ Om Hreem Hreem Hoom Hoom Brahmane Namah ”
Wearing Mantra: Brahmatave Srajaye vishvam Sthitow Palyate punah
Bead size: Basic to Collector
We will select a Rudraksha bead from our large premium collection of these beads which are the best of the season.
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